Assaplay, what is it?

Assaplay, what is it? Discover this borderless platform, an entertainment metaverse specialized in music.

Assaplay (ASSA)

Assaplay is a global entertainment metaverse project centered on music themes.

With the growth of the content industry, the global music market and by extension the E&M market are growing day by day.

Entertainment & Music
Metaverse Playground that
covers online and offline spaces.

The influence of the related industries in Korea abroad also grows significantly in line with the growth of K-POP. Although the brick-and-mortar domain became severely shrunk due to the pandemic, a new concept market is being created due to the expansion of contactless business based on ever more developing information and communication technology (ICT) and the materialization of the metaverse industry where online and offline converge, and the expansion of its size and scope is accelerating.

In order to create realistic business opportunities in the global market and sustainable future values, it becomes necessary to respond to the needs and expectations of customers around the world.

The news of the metaverse will often be marked by projects that will touch the field of music, here is one more example.

Assaplay (ASSA), in a few words:

Assaplay has decided to create a new concept of online and offline linking model, where physical and distribution networks link the content offered through the metaverse.

The new ecosystem will become a fun playground where all members, as producers and consumers, use the community and business functions according to their individual needs and receive rewards and share benefits according to their contribution.

In addition, Sing to Earn and Entertain to Earn programs will be developed in the future, allowing cultural and creative activities to be directly linked to economic activities.

The platform that ASSA dreams of and wants to create a customized playground where members of the ecosystem, as producers and consumers, receive rewards and share profits.

ASSA as a global brand that started in Korea, has been exporting and supplying noraebang (karaoke) services and a full range of equipment to the world for over 30 years, playing a role of imprinting K-POP in the hearts of people around the world.

In the future, ASSA aims to create a future-oriented service with a vivid sense of reality by converging and complexing on-off services on the basis of its know-how and capabilities in the global business. In order to realize decentralization and customized service, technologies appropriate to ICT and proprietary patented technologies will be integrated, and on top of that, E&M ecosystem with rich stories and worlds to imagine the entertainment of the future will be realized.

Direct access to the official website

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