Crowd platform project, what is it?

Crowd platform project, what is it? Discover The Next Crypto Gem On IDO, informations and direct access to the platform.


CROWD is a IDO platform based on Binance Smart Chain to offer fundings to promising young blockchain projects with advantage of faster transactions and low fee under Binance Smart Chain.

By staking CROWD Token in Binance Smart Chain CROWD Pool, investors are guaranteed to receive IDO Tickets based on the staking volume. IDO Tickets are issued in a form of tokens in Binance Smart Chain and they can be freely traded in BSC Network.

CROWD is a multi-chain launchapd and swap platform which helps hottest projects to make early deubt to crypto community

The ultimate goal of CROWD is to provide a framework that gives equal opportunities to individual investors from the initial funding stage for the start-up blockchain projects.

CROWD platform, 4 advantages to remember:

  • Equal investment opportunities
  • Use of an efficient and fast blockchain
  • Decentralized platform
  • Use of an advanced and widely used blockchain network

CROWD will improve and innovate the IDO and pre-sale environment with an organic and efficient Blockchain ecosystem.

CROWD Environment

Due to the explosive growth of the DeFi market in 2020, the popularity of the DeFi platform to be used as an initial funding model has also increased. Along with ICO and IDO, a new term IUO (Initial Uniswap Offering) was created as Uniswap’s IDO offered many advantages to blockchain startups and equal opportunities to many individual investors.

But many IDO platforms in the current blockchain ecosystem, including Uniswap, do not offer the most optimized environment for individual investors to invest in early stage blockchain projects. For example, a small number of large venture capital (VC) firms monopolize funding and liquidity in the early phase of DeFi projects.

Not only by specific VCs, but there are many cases that developers or related influencers are also monopolizing the initial fundings. Even if the projects are opened to Whitelist, the opportunity is opened in specific period of time that the opportunity is not given to all the investors.

If the distribution is executed through the mining, the reality is that large scale investors receive the most tokens in most cases. Such cases like Uniswap or Pancakeswap that the liquidity is added by the developer team, as soon as the

Not only the problems of initial funding method in DEX platforms, as the awareness of Decentralized platform and userbase increase, additional problems such as high service fee and network congestion became serious.

CROWD aims for transparent investment that everyone can participate in by supporting project accelerating using CROWD’s prime brokerage ability as well as fair project selection

CROWD platform, the solution proposed:

The project adopted community voting system from the project selection stage to be fair and transparent and uses Binance Smart Chain to take advantage of low transaction fees, high transaction speed and interoperability with other Blockchain network to be different from other DEX platforms.

CROWD Voting System uses Voting Power obtained by token staking to suggest or select project to execute IDO. All the voting processes and results are recorded on Blockchain under smart contract algorithm to be fair and transparent.

During this process the list of projects to execute IDO will be selected by CROWD team criteria. The CROWD team criteria include legal review, smart contract security audit, team reference and more. All the reviewed data will be opened to the public to maintain fairness and transparency for the benefit of all the investors.

Direct access to the official website

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