Unibets – world’s first AI sports


Unibets – The ultimate AI-powered sports prediction tool. Discover its features.

Unibets brings a cutting-edge AI technology, diving deep into massive pools of sports data, historical patterns, and player statistics.

If you follow GameFi news, you’re sure to love discovering this ecosystem.

Transform your betting experience with Unibets, the ultimate AI-powered sports prediction tool.

Dive into the future of betting: Unibets uses cutting-edge AI technology to mine vast pools of sports data, historical models and player statistics.

The result? Accurate predictions backed by data that offer a winning edge across a variety of sporting events.

As a $BETS token holder, you’re entitled to a share of the profits. Reap the rewards with a revenue share of all our winning sports bets, as well as 1% of total transaction volume.

The more $BETS you have, the more $ETH you receive!

It’s not just a bet, it’s a collective victory

You own, we bet, and together we win.

Unibets, how does it work?

This powerhouse AI-driven sports prediction tool not only helps you win big but also shares its rewards with token holders.

When you own Unibets ($BETS) tokens, you’re not just a holder – you’re part of a thriving community that reaps the benefits of the platform’s success.

Double Revenue Sharing
– Holders will get 2% cut from $BETS trading volume – rewarded in $ETH
– Share 100% of the Betting Pool’s earnings – rewarded in $ETH

Get started with Unibets by following these quick and easy steps!

First, join the Telegram group where ¨you’ll find sharing of sports bets predicted by the AI-powered sports prediction tool.

Buy and hold a minimum of 50,000 $BETS chips in a single wallet (no wagering, no blocking) to benefit from revenue sharing.
Revenue sharing is proportional, so the more $BETS you hold, the more $ETH you earn!

As a holder, you earn revenue share on our winning bets and 2% of the total volume of $BETS exchanged. If the bet is lost, it doesn’t matter – the betting pool increases for the next bet, the following day. More potential income for holders!

Unibets token:

What are the tokenomics of $BETS?

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000. Fully circulating, non-dilutive
Fair launch: 100% of the token supply is added to liquidity at launch and locked
Trading Taxes: Buy: 5% | Sell: 5%
2% goes to marketing, partnerships and team
2% goes to revenue sharing
1% goes to betting pool
100% of betting pool go to holders
Be a holder of minimum 50,000 $BETS tokens or more to be entitled to revenue sharing.

Direct access to the official website

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