Horde, what is it as a project and what are its features?

Horde, what is it as a project and what are its features? Get all the information and direct access to the official website.


Horde is an innovative symbiosis between a membership-free DaaS with stable coin protocols and a P2E zombie defense game in development, all integrated into a sentimentless ecosystem.

What’s DaaS?

This is like a hedge fund in crypto space, except we are focusing on investing in leading high yield and Metaverse protocols that we want to integrate into with our game in the near future, all voted for by our community. The team will make a poll on multiple projects that are suitable for our criteria, every time the treasury reaches $100k.

The poll system is an Each community verified wallet gets a fair vote, in order to decide the investment, limited to only one vote per member to prevent any form of manipulation and keep it community driven.

Horde features:

  • A completely unique sustainable DaaS with a realistic payout structure.
  • No membership, free to compound, all in a feeless ecosystem, with only a 10% tax on sales, preventing swing trading of our tokens value.
  • P2E zombie defence game with multiple NFT utilities coming soon, and the ability to play with friends.
  • NFT scenes, weapons, and skins, make your plot customisable with some even boosting rewards.
  • Choose your own plot on the HORDE map and join one of the four factions to get your unique Discord role.
  • The reward system is based on stable coin tokenomics, this ensures the sustainability of our ecosystem.
  • Unique Stablised Payout Protocol. Our smart contract uses the same strategy as a stable coin, to ensure the sustainability of our reward system.
  • Each community verified wallet within our Discord, gets a fair vote to decide what the new monthly price threshold should be, starting at $100 per HORDE token, $1000 per plot.
  • Each time the treasury hits 100k we will ask the community to vote on a range of DeFi projects to invest in.

Horde tokens:

HORDE tokens will be able to be bought from SOULS SWAP at launch.

Taxes / Fees

  • 0% buy
  • 10% sell – this is a swing trade prevention method. Used along with our price threshold (currently $95-105)
  • No claim fees, one of many benefits of our feeless ecosystem.

What infrastructure was used for this DApp?

The website is deployed with firebase behind cloudflare.

This site is a single application page without a server. This means that when you reach our domain, it is actually Cloudflare’s load balancer that captures it and distributes all the files needed for the dApp to work with their CDN. Once it’s loaded on your device, unless you purge the cache, the dApp will only communicate with the blockchain.

So a DDoS would have to take down a large part of the internet to take us down. And it will only take down those who haven’t already loaded the dApp.

Direct access to the official website

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