Auxo, DeFi platform, discover its features


Auxo, DeFi platform, discover its features. Here’s an introduction to this new DeFi project and direct access to its website.

Auxo is a goddess who grants growth and prosperity to fields.

This project gives you access to a DeFi platform that offers minimal-trust farming, ETH rewards and non-dilutive tokenomics.

Auxo, features:

With Auxo, you can farm on high-yield protocols across multiple chains with confidence, earn rewards in ETH instead of tokens, and benefit from a token policy that puts existing holders first.

3 features to remember:

  1. Anti-dilution tokenomics – this ecosystem implements a unique tokenomics model – holders are never diluted versus NAV
  2. Real Yield paid in ETH every month – this project gives exposure to premium crypto assets in AuxoDAO’s portfolio. Staking of $AUXO provides high-yield delivery in ETH
  3. Multichain Farming & On-chain governance – Auxo protocol is actively farming across Ethereum, Arbitrum, and Optimism to capitalize on the top-yielding opportunities available

Trust-minimized farming DAO

There are many ways in which one can generate yield in the crypto space: one can stake, lend, run a validator, delegate, provide liquidity, etc.

Each of these different ways to earn a yield on one’s assets comes with a series of different risks and rewards, for example:

If one is staking 32 ETH, they must ensure that their validator behaves appropriately, or they risk their stake being slashed.

If one lends out stablecoins on platforms such as Aave or Compound, they must take on protocol risk.

If one provides liquidity on a platform like Uniswap, they must be wary of the risks of impermanent loss, and yield farming can be problematic thanks to the risk of dilution.

Auxo is designed in such a way that many of these risks are minimized and removed.

Here is a DAO that is focused on trust-minimized yield farming that generates real yield on assets without dilution and pays WETH rewards to stakers monthly.

This is achieved by leveraging the hive mind of the DAO to employ a variety of different strategies on different chains to generate the highest possible yields for the DAO treasury.

The yields that the DAO generates each month are then distributed 100% to the Reward Vaults.


$AUXO is an ERC-20 Token deployed on the Ethereum Network that represents shares of the Auxo DAO treasury.

This token has a strictly controlled policy of expansion, it is designed to be non-dilutive versus the net asset value (NAV) of the treasury and there is no mechanism of inflation.

It’s fully distributed to it’s token holders, aside from 20% of supply held by the DAO as protocol-owned-liquidity used in market making.

Direct access to the official website

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