RocketVerse, introduction to its ecosystem

RocketVerse, introduction to its ecosystem. Discover the characteristics of the project and its official website.


RocketVerse is a startup focused on developing a high-quality 3rd person shooter game with a self-sustaining economy integrated into the blockchain.

Discover a universe that will interest those who follow the news of the metaverse and GameFi.

RocketVerse, introduction:

The RocketVerse universe basically consists on 3 pillars:

– RKV cryptocurrency
– Collectible, exclusive and in-game utility NFTs.
– FPS game RKV Arena created using the Unreal Engine 5 graphics platform.


The Game RocketVerse Arena has been developed since september 2021, with the purpose of providing fun and opportunity for gains in a sustainable way to players.

The aim is to develop different gameplay modalities, where rewards will be paid in order to keep all three pillars (see introduction) of the project standing.

For RKVArena to be self-sustaining, the rewards given in-game will come from the RKV currency fees themselves, as well as the CRYPTODEATH.

MATCH mode, where there will be a battle between teams with RKV coin betting, causing the winner to obtain for themselves all the coins available in play.

In this gameplay you can see what has already been built in the RKV arena. Meet one of the characters, moves, weapons and some of the enemies that will be in single player mode.

The initial modes of the RocketVerse game are basically:

1. Training (offline)
2. CryptoDeath Match
3. Campaign (Online version with the possibility of acquiring NFTs and currencies from a separate liquidity pool for this modality

RocketVerse arena is an FPS based on the RocketVerse universe. Our universe has characters such as humanoids, robots and aliens. You will be able to earn RKV by killing enemies, in single player, co op or multiplayer. In addition, we will have an innovative mode, Crypto deathmatch where RKV is bet at each match. The winner gets all the RKV that comes into play.

Direct access to the official website

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