Prometheus, what is the protocol?

Prometheus gve the sacred crypto fire to all humanity. The first DAO Multi-Node Protocol.


Prometheus protocol is a fair multi-node protocol powered by high yield investments. It is based on the Binance Smart Chain.

The goal is to democratize DeFi with a protocol that will allow you to earn a constant passive income, regardless of your country of origin, social background or skills.

With the income of the protocol, a treasury is created. That treasury is injected in various high-yield investments through a vote from the community.

The return of these investments is used to buyback and burn on the open market our token in order to maintain a certain floor price.

Prometheus, here’s how it works:

A fee is applied to each node purchase.

A portion of these fees is invested in high-yield investment products.

The profits generated are used for marketing to redeem and burn tokens, which also offsets sales.

As simple as that.

This ecosystem also has a floating sales tax system to encourage the development of a healthy and sustainable crop line.

If the price of $PHI increases, the sales tax decreases (up to 10% minimum).
If the price of $PHI decreases, the sales tax increases (up to 50% maximum).

A Stable and Sustainable Multi-Node Protocol

The Multi-Node Protocol allows to create 4 types of nodes.

Some cost more tokens and pay more.
Some cost less tokens and pay less.

In any case, a decay system causes a decrease of daily ROI over 1 year.

This ecosystem is here for the long haul. That’s why the protocol favors the perpetual creation of new nodes, and therefore, the sustainability of the protocol.

Why? Because with daily depletion, holders are encouraged to recreate new nodes rather than sell their profits.

It is also an effective anti-whale system:

If whales don’t play the long game, they are penalized by earning less and less.

With each node creation, you will receive a governance token.

This governance token will allow you to regularly vote on high yield investments used to fund rewards and buyback $PHI tokens when needed.

Prometheus, in a nutshell:

Prometheus is a new crypto project that can allow you to earn a steady passive income with a fair DeFi protocol powered by safe, high-yield investments.

All you have to do is buy $PHI tokens and create a node to generate a daily passive income.

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