DevvE ecosystem presentation

DevvE ecosystem presentation

DevvE ecosystem presentation. Discover the features of this new ecosystem and direct access to its official website.

DevvE ecosystem presentation, here’s a revolutionary digital currency equipped with the technical prowess to enhance liquidity, transparency, and regulatory adherence for worldwide ESG initiatives and their participants.

DevvE ecosystem presentation:

Here’s a crypto-currency designed to support efforts in addressing environmental and social challenges by creating a financial model to support the operational costs of developing and maintaining the security and transparency of ESG data and assets, and generating funds for investments in green projects that support ESG goals and create additional ESG assets.

DevvE is also the platform cryptocurrency for the DevvX blockchain. The DevvX blockchain platform is an ISO-compliant green blockchain due to its ultralow power consumption – with 1/3 billionth the energy consumption of Bitcoin.

DevvX blockchain:

DevvX is a unique layer 1 blockchain that is comprised of shards, or independent blockchains, that can communicate through a novel cross-shard mechanism.

The transparency of DevvX blockchain shard data is expected to be managed by DevvE cryptocurrency ownership.

Entities that contribute to the transparency of ESG data will run DevvX Verification Nodes whereby each shard’s blockchain data will be
continuously duplicated in full.

DevvE can be used both as a reward for providing this valuable trust-enabling service, as well as enabling governance around which entities run.

DevvX blockchain shards will allow, for the first time, ESG data and assets to be tracked at scale with the regulatory compliance, transparency, and auditability needed to effectively implement global environmental and social blockchain solutions.

The DevvX blockchain software enables, among other things, the secure recording and tracking of environmental and social data and assets.

DevvE token:

The vast majority (90%) of all DevvE Token sales go toward investing in ESG projects that create measurable and verifiable impact assets (carbon, methane, plastic, etc.)

DevvE can be used to purchase the DevvX shards to create Web3 platforms and applications as well as ESG assets like carbon credits, plastics tokens or social tokens. Enabling the participation and growth of the DevvE ESG Ecosystem. This ever expanding ecosystem drives innovation and utility of the DevvE Tokens.

Want to find out more?

Direct access to the official website

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