Baby Alpaca, what is it?

Baby Alpaca, what is it? Buy and trade NFTs, play games and earn even more rewards in $ALPACA.

Baby Alpaca is the brand of our native token $BALPAC, a new generation auto-yield reward dividend contract powered by the Binance Smar t Chain.
Holders receive rewards/dividends as $ALPACA.

Discover the Baby Alpaca project that will feed NFT news, discover it in a more in-depth way, on the platform of decentralized finance.

Baby Alpaca

Baby Alpaca, what’s the project?

Baby Alpaca will launch multiple games which yield rewards. Community members will be able to compete against each other and have a chance to earn Lot of ALPACA tokens.

Happy to announce some of games:

1. Trade volume game
2. Dice Twice (with $ALPACA and $BALPAC rewards)
3. All or none (community-driven game for betting)
4. Greener the grass (market prediction game)

Baby Alpaca will launch five categories of special NFTs:

1. Collectable Exhibition NFTs
2. Reward NFTs
3. Genesis NFTs
4. Trade Volume Competition NFTs
5. Partner NFT Auctions

Crafted by skilled ar tists, Collectable Exhibition NF Ts are collectables which do not have utility. They are exclusively for the Baby Alpaca community. Reward NF Ts are utility-driven ar tworks & non-fungible tokens which give credibility to win cr ypto rewards. Genesis NF Ts holders will receive a Genesis Wallet which yields a share of the rewards collection. Trade Volume Competition NF Ts will be airdropped to the best volume producers. Par tner NF T Auctions are a chance to win the Partnership token redistributions depending on the non-fungible token bought in the auction.

Baby ALPACA Security Audit and Community Safety:

Liquidity locked (Locked LP tokens): What this means is that tokens and BNB value that are pushed into the liquidity pool are completely locked. This is an anti-rug pull measure which was implemented with the sole purpose of keeping the community safe. A trusted 3rd par ty will hold the lock contract and act as a middle man for the locked liquidity.

Team tokens locked: This means that the tokens that the founding team owns will be locked up for a period of time.

Nonetheless , they will release slowly or vested over the period of 6 months. A trusted 3rd par ty will hold the lock contract and act as a middle man for the locked team tokens.

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